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Folly at Yale:
The Art of Foolishness at the University 

Author | Book
Not yet released, this original campus memoir is set to be published by New Degree Press in winter of 2024.
I am currently revising the manuscript.

The Goal
I wanted to write a book about my experiences with foolishness at Yale to dispel the myth that schooling should be solely serious. I believe foolishness is a crucial part of the collegiate experience and a major way that students learn and grow, both inside and outside the lecture hall. Following the pandemic, universities began experimenting with online education, and their overall success caused some educators to suggest a permanent shift to this model (or at least trying out a hybrid approach). The webification of education terrifies me. I believe learning and growth will both suffer, especially those developed through foolishness. This book is my plea for students and schools fight for in-person education, to fight for folly. 



The Story
Folly at Yale spans my four years in college and details my various run-ins with all things light-hearted. There's the time I got an A for egging my professor, the time I ran into a pirate on Cross Campus, and the time I stole a cardboard cutout of Prince Harry from a rival dorm. Each chapter approaches foolishness from a different facet of college—from friendship to improv, from academia to school traditions—to demonstrate why I believe folly is a crucial part of the university.

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